Meeting @ 12:15 Tuesday

“20-29: While there are times when your participation is masterful, there are also times when you may stifle your own participation or the participation of others. You may find it helpful to speak up more or to invite others to speak up. Seek win-win solutions to conflict by encouraging others to explain their views” (

My score was a 25. The test seems pretty accurate to the type of meeting person I am. However, I think the type of meeting person I am depends more on the people at the meeting. In situations where I am comfortable around the other people, I do a much better job of managing a meeting. Being a good meeting person is extremely important because at some point in everyone’s life they will have to attend a meeting, and using the meeting time efficiently will make everyone happy. Wasting time is the biggest annoyance of going to a meeting, but if everyone is willing to be attentive and participate, then the meeting will go very well.  I hope to improve my meeting skills now that I know what type of meeting person I am.