The other day Professor Johnston taught us how to give ethical critiques so we would be able to provide ethical critiques to others in class about their website. After staring so long at a project, it is a nice to have another set of eyes look at your work and tell you what they like and how they think you could make it better. The best way to provide critiques is in the form of a”sandwich.”
The “sandwich” is created by giving with compliments of their work because you need to be respectful that it is someone’s work, and they have worked hard on it. After giving some compliments express your critiques, but it is important to include why you think it should be changed. It is their work and they are not necessarily going to change it based on what you said. Finally, provide them with one or two other things you enjoy that they did. The compliment sandwich is the best way to provide critiques because it doesn’t make the person feel like their hard work is being attacked.
Critiques and feedback on a project are very important they help to make things better but understanding how to provide ethical critiques to someone else is just as important.