The first photo I edited was the soccer player below. I removed the background by using the polygon lasso tool and outlining the soccer player with the lasso tool. Once I finished the tedious job tracing the soccer player, I deleted the background and had only the soccer player left. I changed the background color to a bright purple so see where I had missed cutting him out. I used the eraser tool to get close and create the finishing touches around the soccer player. After finishing the soccer player, I copied him and pasted him onto a winter background.
The second picture I edited was the birds on the wire. To edit it I used the rubber stamp tool. Using the rubber stamp tool was kind of difficult at first. You have to hold down the alt button to select where you are cloning, and then you click and “color” where you want the cloned object to go, and it will appear based on where the little plus sign from using the alt key. The most difficult part for me was trying to align the wire and trying not to erase a bird while creating a new one.